Monday, October 28, 2013

It's that time of the year again....

Yep.  It's Halloween.  But that's not what I mean.

You know what I mean.

Yeah.  You.  Sitting at the computer.

What?  You're at a smartphone? Tablet?  Whatever.  You know I'm talking to you.

That's right.  Let it sink in.





That's right.  November is less than a week away.  You have less than a week to kiss your friends and family goodbye before you embark on a one-way trip to Noveling City.

Some people call it "Insanityland."  As a character I respect very much says:

So are you ready?  I am.  Mostly.

If you haven't considered participating in either NaNoWriMo or it's middle/high school department the Young Writer's Program, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
Basically, NaNoWriMo urges, supports, and occasionally distracts writers as they embark to write a 50,000 page novel in a single month.  Yep.  You heard me.



That's 30 days.  720 hours.  43,200 minutes.  2,592,000 seconds.

And so forth.

"Why would you do that to yourself, Watzzit?" you're probably asking yourself right now.  Yeah, I'm asking myself that right now, actually.  There are easier ways to torture oneself.  For example, I could listen to "What Does the Fox Say?" on YouTube, while watching My Little Pony, Boobah, and Strawberry Shortcake simultaneously, while preforming open heart surgery on myself with a rusty kitchen spoon and some slightly used dental floss.  I'm already regularly up until one o' clock am as it is doing homework.  Why?

Well, as I often say, the best writer-ly inspirations come between the hours of one and two in the morning.  Occasionally they come into work late between two and three.  So this should be fun.  Maybe.

In all seriousness, I am really looking forward to my book this year.  I've got the characters all figured out, the basic plot floating about in my mind, and even a scene or two imagined.  I can't wait!  Shadow Walkers may very well be THE book.  The one that catapults me into the full-fledged world of official author-dom.  Because, frankly, Cores (the book I have actually finished) doesn't count as a book.  At best, it may count as a poorly thought out pamphlet on how not to write a book.

So, why don't you join me, fellow writers.  Fellow teens.  Fellow homo sapiens.  Fellow mammals.  Whatever you people are that are reading this.  So long as you're not a Rustöv Parasoldier, join me in this exciting adventure as we write an entire novel in a month.

In your face, Christopher Paolini.

That is all.

Watzzit Tooyah


(I will post one of these at the end of every post, because they're animated.  The one in the sidebar is not animated and thus is lame.)

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