Sunday, December 15, 2013


That pretty much sums it up right there.

So… yeah.  I never made it past 6,000 words.  Darn you, college.

Wait… what do you mean I promised a post a day during November?  What is that even supposed to mean?  I have no idea what you're talking about.  Prove it (which you won't be able to, because I may or may not have deleted the post with the only proof available. So HA).

I just couldn't find the time.  Between studying for finals, midterms, trying to get transferred at my job, and everything else going on, I couldn't do it.


On SOME OTHER month besides November, I will write a novel in a month.  AND THEN when November rolls around, I'll upload my word count and win!


Because we all know that for those of us in college, November is about the worst month you could pick to have NaNoWriMo.  Midterms and finals and end-of-the-year wrap-up…. the list goes on.  And on.  AND ON.

So I'm not bummed about it too much.  How about you?  What's your Epic Success/Epic Failure story?

Crud, I almost forgot:

This is me right now

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 11: In Which I Have No Excuse. Moving on...

I come to you with no excuse for why I didn't post anything for the past week+, except for the lame, typical "it's midterms, it's work, it's blahblahblah."  So without further ado, we move on.

Word Count: 4,470 at the time of this publishing.  More will be written tonight.
Target:  Way more than that (18,333 to be exact)
Behind by 13,863

You may say there is no hope for me, but the fat lady hasn't sung yet.  There's hope.

Since all of my posts have been about writing so far, I thought it'd be nice to have just a "normal" post for once.

Have you even SEEN the movie they are coming out with next year?  HAVE YOU?!

This will simply be the most awesomest movie ever created by the human species, ever.  Period.  No contest.
I know what I'm doing this February.
If you see a mysterious, handsome male geeking out in a movie theatre over this movie, you have caught your first look at Watzzit Tooyah.  I.  Will.  Be.  There.  If any movie deserved to be watched in a movie theater in the history of existence, this is it.  Definitely.

In other news, my little sister has learned a quote from Wreck-It Ralph.  She now goes around asking everyone "Ryoua Bo-Bo?" (Translation: "Are you a Hobo?"  Vanelope asks Ralph this when they first meet).

I just know I totally didn't spell "Vanelope" right.  It's a sixth sense.

Also, the next Thor movie is coming out soon (cool), another Captain America is coming out (meh), and, of course we can't forget the next HOBBIT!  WOOHOO!  Although not nearly as awesome as the thing of beauty above, the next Hobbit movie runs a close second in the awesomeness scale.  Way cool stuff going on in the near future.

Not much else is going on in the life I may or may not have.
I have something neat to show you guys.  It's called the "Big Five" personality test.  It tests for your position on a range of five traits, testing your levels of:

Openness to new experiences
Conscientiousness (Orderliness)
Extraversion (How social/outgoing you are)
Agreeableness (Niceness, etc.)
Neuroticism (How emotionally unstable you are)

Higher values indicate a higher presence of each trait.  Here's mine:

So I'm pretty open to new experiences, I'm not orderly at ALL, I'm pretty introverted, I'm an agreeable person, and I'm emotionally stable.  Pretty fun.  Click on my results to take you to a page where it further breaks my results down (for you creepy stalker types).  You can also take the test for yourself.

That is all.

Watzzit Tooyah


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 4: In Which My Excuse is that I Take Weekends Off

'Nough said.

Current Word Count: 3,557
Target Word Count: 6,666
Behind by 3,109 words

There you have it.  Yes, I fell a bit behind this weekend (mostly because I didn't write a lick on Sunday), but I can still come back and win this thing.  I feel confident.

Oh snap.  I just remembered that, thanks to the fact that AT&T wiped my phone, the amazing picture of the guy who was towing a trailer full of unsecured 2x4s right in front of me on the highway is gone forever now.  That's too bad, because it was a miracle how that wood was not in my windshield.  I'm lucky to be alive right now, folks.

I'm at that stage in my writing where, due to the rushed-ness of it all, I'm looking back on my writing with a horrified expression, thinking "WHY?!  My writing stinks, my plot stinks, my book stinks, in fact I stink.  What was I thinking, 50k words in one month?  It'll be unreadable!"

What to do when you have these thoughts?

Here are my thoughts on these thoughts.  Or, whatever.  Here's what to do:

  1. Give yourself a good pat on the back.  Maybe eat some Halloween candy.
  2. Think of your ideal book.  The one this pile of whatever will someday resemble.  Remember that and draw inspiration from it.
  3. Give yourself a good kick in the pants.  Get back to writing ya whiner.
I find that almost any problem in writing can be solved by more writing.  It's a vicious cycle, really, but one that works.  Write, and all your problems will melt away.

(Well, except for, you know, those unwashed dishes you haven't had time to clean, your unwashed clothes you haven't had time to run through the laundry, your unwashed self that needs attention, etc.)

I'm beginning to think that maybe, despite my staunch campaign against outlining novels, that perhaps maybe possibly I should have outlined my novel.
(Don't you say a word Anastasia.  Not one freakin' word.  Not even a sound.  Don't even think)

So do not despair, writer friend!  You WILL write this novel, it WILL be amazing (one day), and you WILL... 





Bathe in yogurt.  Sure, why not?

You WILL bathe in yogurt!

It has just occurred to me that my posts are random, without reason, and not remotely helpful or even mildly inspiring.

Oh well.

That is all.

Watzzit Tooyah


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 1: In Which I Reveal the True Meaning of Halloween

Since nobody will read this until tomorrow morning anyway, it still counts as a post from yesterday, right?

Current Word Count: 1,005
Behind by: 662 words

So today I discovered what Halloween is REALY about.  No, it's not about the costumes or the cute little girl dressed as Cinderella.  It's not about the scary movies or the haunted houses.  It's not even about preparing for the supposedly impending undead apocalypse.

It's all about gathering a huge candy stash for NaNoWriMo!

Yes, it's true!  Don't deny it!  You're going to be chowing down on that stuff aaaaallllll month!  It will be the lifeblood of your writing energy!  Just ask my good friend Anastasia Cross, she'll tell you.  A writer simply cannot write without chocolate.  It's physically, psychologically, biologically, and physiologically impossible.  I've tried it before, trust me.

In other news, a CRAZY first day of NaNoWriMo.  I had piano lessons, "work", a project due, a re-do project due, signing up for Spring 2014 classes, insert random excuse of why I'm behind 600 words here, etc. etc.  Still managed to pull of 1,000, and I'm happy with that, despite the fact it's almost 2 as I write this.

Hey, it's Friday night.  I can sleep as late as I want tomorrow.

Anyways, happy 1st of No, writers!  Watzzit out.

That is all.

Watzzit Tooyah

Still Sleepy
Only Worse

Friday, November 1, 2013

NaNoWriMo Starts NOW!!


All you NaNoWriMo fanatics, it has begun.  The pain, the loss, the tragedy, as well as the joy, the thrill, and the victory.

NaNoWriMo can be such an emotional rollercoaster sometimes...

Don't worry, I didn't waste even a second of precious writing time to post this: I actually wrote it at 12:02 AM Thursday morning and scheduled it to publish at exactly midnight November 1st.

The joys of modern technology are unfathomable.



That is all,

Watzzit Tooyah

*Current emotional state is undetermined*

Monday, October 28, 2013

It's that time of the year again....

Yep.  It's Halloween.  But that's not what I mean.

You know what I mean.

Yeah.  You.  Sitting at the computer.

What?  You're at a smartphone? Tablet?  Whatever.  You know I'm talking to you.

That's right.  Let it sink in.





That's right.  November is less than a week away.  You have less than a week to kiss your friends and family goodbye before you embark on a one-way trip to Noveling City.

Some people call it "Insanityland."  As a character I respect very much says:

So are you ready?  I am.  Mostly.

If you haven't considered participating in either NaNoWriMo or it's middle/high school department the Young Writer's Program, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
Basically, NaNoWriMo urges, supports, and occasionally distracts writers as they embark to write a 50,000 page novel in a single month.  Yep.  You heard me.



That's 30 days.  720 hours.  43,200 minutes.  2,592,000 seconds.

And so forth.

"Why would you do that to yourself, Watzzit?" you're probably asking yourself right now.  Yeah, I'm asking myself that right now, actually.  There are easier ways to torture oneself.  For example, I could listen to "What Does the Fox Say?" on YouTube, while watching My Little Pony, Boobah, and Strawberry Shortcake simultaneously, while preforming open heart surgery on myself with a rusty kitchen spoon and some slightly used dental floss.  I'm already regularly up until one o' clock am as it is doing homework.  Why?

Well, as I often say, the best writer-ly inspirations come between the hours of one and two in the morning.  Occasionally they come into work late between two and three.  So this should be fun.  Maybe.

In all seriousness, I am really looking forward to my book this year.  I've got the characters all figured out, the basic plot floating about in my mind, and even a scene or two imagined.  I can't wait!  Shadow Walkers may very well be THE book.  The one that catapults me into the full-fledged world of official author-dom.  Because, frankly, Cores (the book I have actually finished) doesn't count as a book.  At best, it may count as a poorly thought out pamphlet on how not to write a book.

So, why don't you join me, fellow writers.  Fellow teens.  Fellow homo sapiens.  Fellow mammals.  Whatever you people are that are reading this.  So long as you're not a Rustöv Parasoldier, join me in this exciting adventure as we write an entire novel in a month.

In your face, Christopher Paolini.

That is all.

Watzzit Tooyah


(I will post one of these at the end of every post, because they're animated.  The one in the sidebar is not animated and thus is lame.)