Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 1: In Which I Reveal the True Meaning of Halloween

Since nobody will read this until tomorrow morning anyway, it still counts as a post from yesterday, right?

Current Word Count: 1,005
Behind by: 662 words

So today I discovered what Halloween is REALY about.  No, it's not about the costumes or the cute little girl dressed as Cinderella.  It's not about the scary movies or the haunted houses.  It's not even about preparing for the supposedly impending undead apocalypse.

It's all about gathering a huge candy stash for NaNoWriMo!

Yes, it's true!  Don't deny it!  You're going to be chowing down on that stuff aaaaallllll month!  It will be the lifeblood of your writing energy!  Just ask my good friend Anastasia Cross, she'll tell you.  A writer simply cannot write without chocolate.  It's physically, psychologically, biologically, and physiologically impossible.  I've tried it before, trust me.

In other news, a CRAZY first day of NaNoWriMo.  I had piano lessons, "work", a project due, a re-do project due, signing up for Spring 2014 classes, insert random excuse of why I'm behind 600 words here, etc. etc.  Still managed to pull of 1,000, and I'm happy with that, despite the fact it's almost 2 as I write this.

Hey, it's Friday night.  I can sleep as late as I want tomorrow.

Anyways, happy 1st of No, writers!  Watzzit out.

That is all.

Watzzit Tooyah

Still Sleepy
Only Worse

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